In 2019 Kaitlin and Dean met each other online as so many people do. As two single parents with already established careers, they were both looking for something a little bit more real and with a true partner. There seemed to be an almost instant connection, and in no time they went from complete strangers to sharing all kinds of stories about their lives, themselves, even their children. It was clear there that they had a special bond and were both excited about the future.
What's in a name?
Kaitlin is from Middletown and to anyone from Rhode Island, especially someone who had grown up "on the island" there was no doubt about her location. However Dean growing up in CT, and knowing of only Middletown, CT was in for a big surprise when they eventually decided to meet in person! Despite this revelation of a much greater distance to travel, their love for each other guaranteed it was nothing they couldn't handle together.
It is said you shouldn't make too many life changing decisions in one year, however Kaitlin and Dean have never been too big on following directions. They had been dating for a while and decided it was time to take things to the next level.
Imagine moving to a different state, getting a new job, dealing with a global pandemic, buying a house, going through a serious medical scare, and having two teenagers move in together (like in the movie "Step Brothers" but without the drum set). It may seem crazy, but events that would normally tear a couple apart have only made for a stronger relationship and a closer family along the way.
From not knowing if you are talking to a real person via the internet, to being able to complete an entire conversation with primarily gifs and memes from our favorite TV shows. It seems everything has come full circle for these two, finding in each other their best friends and soulmates. Now all that is left to cross off their bucket list is a tropical wedding and a party surrounded by all those they love.